Given the importance of water, then the advice given was that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liters of water. Here are some of the benefits of water for the body:

  • Creating a healthier body
    If sufficient water intake, this can help for the distribution of nutrients throughout the body to be smooth so that all cells in the body can repair itself with these nutrients. By drinking water as recommended will also alleviate the kidneys and liver that can help us avoid the kidney and liver disease.
  • Facilitate digestion
    Drinking water helps the removal of metabolic poisons more smoothly. This will help us avoid the diseases of the digestive tract such as stomach ulcers and constipation.
  • Adding natural beauty
    Water shortages will make our skin look dry and wrinkled. Water will help keep the skin to remain supple so it looks young and naturally beautiful.
  • Slenderize
    Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium.Selain, the water helps the body fat stored outlines.
    For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help us feel full so that it will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water also will not make fat because water contains no calories, sugar and fat.
  • Increasing fertility
    To you who are planning a pregnancy, it turns the water can help increase fertility because it will stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

Drinking water

How Often To Your Drinking Water
Always carry drinking water supply, for example a bottle of water.
After eating, do not forget to drink a glass of water.
Drink water before, during and after exercising or doing heavy activity.
Choose to drink water while at rest rather than drinking coffee, soft drinks and other sugary drinks.

Given the importance of water

the next question is how to choose healthy drinking water. If no clean drinking water can cause diarrhea or other diseases. While currently there are various types of drinking water are offered such as ground water, water from Water Company (PAM), Bottled Drinking Water (drinking water), mineral water and hexagonal water. What are the differences of each type of water?

  • Ground water
    For residents of rural drinking water can be drawn from ground water drawn from wells or rivers. However, be aware if the water source is located in industrial areas or waste disposal site. While in larger cities, such as Jakarta, ground water is no longer suitable for consumption, because many contain bacteria Eschericia coli (E. coli), the content of iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) and acidity (pH), which exceeds the criteria of water healthy drink. This is because the amount of pollutants produced by humans and therefore damage the ground water.
  • Piped water
    To be able to produce good water, Drinking Water Company (PAM) actually have the technology in accordance with drinking water treatment, but is also influenced by the quality of water used as raw material if the water is polluted or not.
  • Bottled Drinking Water (drinking water)
    Is water treated with special technology such as sterilization technology and packaged in plastic bottles or other containers. Permission for this company will usually only issued if the laboratory test results good. In order to get good drinking water, the company should always control the results of drinking water and properly treating its production equipment.
  • Mineral water
    Water is obtained from the source, generally from the mountains and directly packed so there minerals in it with a certain content is allowed.
  • Water hexagonal
    Water molecules of this type has a series of structured, hexagon-shaped so-called hexagonal. This type of water is more easily absorbed by the body, faster to deliver nutrients throughout the body, removing toxic metabolic waste, and will optimize the body's metabolism.

    Naturally, this water contained in the Zamzam water well in Mecca, in the Swiss Alps, and in Lourdes, France. In addition to the natural, hexagonal water can be made by using natural minerals that can help the formation of hexagonal structure in the water. The temperature during the formation should also be considered because it can cause the structure to be broken down so that it becomes ordinary water.

    Hexagonal water is generally sold in packs, but these drinks more healthful for the body believed also to prevent aging. By drinking hexagonal water is considered to increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease. However, this type of water is generally more expensive than other types.

Now, you can determine which drinking water is drinkable. Immediately rejected if the colored water, cloudy or smelly. Meanwhile, when buying packaged water, watch the seals do not open or leaking.

How Much to Be Taken?

Without consuming enough water, the body can be susceptible to disease. So, do not forget to consume at least 8 glasses each day, or about at least two liters of water. Every day, approximately two liters of water is wasted through the skin, lung, intestine, and kidney.

This lost water must be changed so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, then some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, dark urine, not resistant to heat, and dry mouth and eyes that will happen to your body.
How much water should be drunk every day? For healthy people need a minimum of two to two and a half liters of water a day. If you exercise, then you will need more water. Likewise, if you live in hot climates. For those who are obese, need to drink an extra glass of water for every 10 kilograms of excess weight. However, contrary to some people with certain diseases such as heart failure or renal dysfunction, some doctors recommend not drinking too much water. This too must be with the recommendations of specialists.

Do not substitute water with other liquids such as fruit juice. Although a healthy body, fruit juices contain calories. Likewise, drinks containing sugar and milk, will also make the body needs more water to digest. Especially if you drink much alcohol or caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks have a diuretic properties are compounds that increase the flow of art, so we need to drink more water to replace what was removed.

Therefore, do not drink water when you're feeling thirsty. When you feel thirsty, then you probably already dehydrated. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses a day or 2 to 2.5 liters per day for the sake of your health. Drink a glass of water right now.

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